Here's a quick rundown of how Date Formatting works:

The simplest way to change date formatting is to use the pre-made common formats. These formats include Simple and Standard American and Simple and Standard European formats.

If you prefer more customization, here is the detailed tutorial of how ShotPut Pro's date formatting works:

First, go to the Preferences panel and click the Advanced tab. Then, click "Edit format".

Then you'll be presented with a box that contains the default date format and tokens that you can drag and drop into the box.

You can also use custom text to further personalize your date format by typing in punctuation.

Typing can also be used to autocomplete tokens and add them in without having to drag and drop. For example, by typing in the letter D you are prompted to autofill from a couple of different token options by clicking enter.

Within many of the individual tokens, you can bring up a dropdown menu and further customize how they look. For example, in a token called "Month", you can choose from a number of options, such as its full name, its abbreviation, or a number.

Still confused? Watch the video tutorial from our YouTube channel here.