If you are trying to perform recovery on your tape, but it is having issues even appearing, you can take a few steps to attempt to recover it. Hopefully this method will fix any issues with your tape. If your tape is now appearing but is still having issues, please refer to our FAQ on the Recovery Options for additional steps.

First, navigate to the Advanced Deck Options by selecting your deck or tape from the drives list on the left hand side.

Then select the Gear Icon next to your Deck's name.

Upon doing so a new window will appear with two different sections, LTFS Options and Mount Options. Move to the Mount Options section and located the setting named Mount Type.

From this list, change the Mount Type to Force Mount. After you have done so, exit out of this window. You will now notice that even though your tape is not appearing, the Tape Options now appear to the right of where your tape would appear.

From this list, select Recover. This will perform a Full Recovery that will attempt to fix any issues with your tape.

If after performing this recovery, your tape is still not appearing, you now have the option to Format it from this view. This will fix any issues your tape may be experiencing but will also result in a loss of all data found on this tape. This should be considered a last resort.