First thing you’re going to do is come up to the top left and select Preset if it is not already selected.


After that, you’ll come down to the bottom left and add a new preset by click the +

Next, give it a name. You can also change the color of it which will help you to quickly identify it later. Then, hit Create

Keep in mind that the first letter of your name will appear within the preset icon. This works with letters, numbers, special characters, and emojis.

This will now be added to the list of already created presets. 

Now select a preset. This will take you into a new window where you can begin editing it. At the top, there is an option to change the preset name and color. 

Below that is where you’ll select the destination your files will be offloaded to. 

In the list of the presets, it is possible that a preset can have a red folder icon next to it. This means that there either is not a copy to location or the location that is specified cannot be found. This icon will disappear once the copy to location is found. 

So, to make this red icon disappear, drag in one of the drives on the left side. It is possible to add multiple different destinations in this area. It is completely up to the user how many locations they would like to copy to. 

Next there is the option to edit the naming scheme for your offloads. If you would like more information on the naming scheme, watch this video. 

After the naming scheme, the last section of this page is the verification section. By default, this area is set to match the preferences outlined in the Basic options section of your Preferences. If you are unsure how to set that up, please refer to this video covering the basic options.

If you prefer to set specific verification methods for this preset you can select an option from the dropdown menu and choose either file size- source checksum, or full checksum.

Next, check as many of the checksum boxes as needed. If you have multiple selected, the offload will only go as fast as the slowest checksum type.  

The last option you have is to have the verification checksum the files only, or the files and directories. The first option will save you a small amount of time. However, Directory checksum generation is used in ASC MHL generation and can help ensure the structure of a directory is identical to another structure.

After you’ve completed all this, go ahead and click done, and your preset is created!

*Note* If you have more than one preset turned on, when you perform an offload, it will utilize both presets, and will offload to all of the destinations outlined in those presets.